The most powerful submarine in the world
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The most powerful submarine in the world |
the submarine
The term "submarine" is given to naval vessels that possess the ability to sail above and below the surface of the water; The submarine has the advantage of being a cruise vehicle with a cruise structure that helps to propel itself, diving under the surface of the water, and can stay under it, submerged for long periods, often using submarines in war areas; Equipped with binoculars, armed with torpedoes or missiles, and equipped with anti-missile and anti-submarine missiles, submarines first appeared in World War I between 1914 and 1918, and Germany was the first country to use them; For the destruction of merchant ships, in World War II between 1939 and 1945, submarines had a strong presence in the Atlantic by the German Navy and in the Pacific by the United States Navy. It is worth noting that submarines were later developed, becoming nuclear powered in the 1960s.
The idea for the submarine first came in 1580, by Englishman William Bourne who studied the cause of floating on the water deck; To present the idea of the submarine, and how it worked, his ideas remained on paper, and the patent passed to the Dutch Cornelius Dribble, who built the first submarine in 1623, and it was taken on board a ship, then thrown into the Thames by 12 mugs, reaching a depth of 15 feet.
The most powerful submarine in the world
Submarine development continues; To become more powerful and effective, improvements and additions are made to them, enabling them to compete with other submarines. With all this competition, 5 submarines received the title of the strongest, and the largest submarines in the world, ranked by their strength as follows:
- Russian Aquila submarine: It's a strategic atomic submarine, called the Shark, and it's also called Typhon, which means: The hurricane, according to NATO, is the world's strongest and largest submarine; It is 170 m tall; taller than the football field, 23 m wide; designed to carry approximately 20 ballistic nuclear missiles, the Acola is classified as the strongest; Because its outer hull is made of light steel, the torpedo is made of titanium, it can survive under the surface of the water for 180 days, it can navigate the snow, it is on solid fuel, and it should be noted that the submarine has a long-range launch feature; It has a range of 8300 km, and its war segment consists of 10 self-guided warheads, 6 533mm torpedo systems and 8 air defence systems, making it capable of wiping out the whole of Europe if fired at it by missiles that carry them all.
- Russian Puri submarine: Russia plans to adopt the Buri submarine as the main force of the nuclear navy; It's a powerful submarine; Because it has the ability to penetrate any missile defense system in the world, to respond to any missile system anywhere in the world, and to have intercontinental missiles.
- U.S. Ohio submarine: The submarine was built by the United States Navy in 1960 and began service in 1996, carrying 24 ballistic-type intercontinental missiles.
- Russian submarine Morena: The Morena submarine has evolved in 4 stages since its first appearance in the cold war; It began service in 1972 as Delta 1, then developed into Delta 2, Delta 3, which had the capability to launch ballistic missiles, and Delta 4, which was able to carry out its tasks quietly.
- British Vangard submarine: Built in 1993, the submarine began service, as well as upgrades and upgrades in 2002. The submarine has the potential to carry a weight of up to 15,000 and 900 tons on diving, and has the capability to carry 16 strategic missiles per missile, a range of warheads, plus a weight of up to 120 kilotons per head, and is thus classified as the largest submarine produced by the United Kingdom.
submarine system
The principle of the submarine's operation is that it can control the power of its floating on water. Because the weight of the water they displace is equal to that of the water, and when the water is displaced, it results in an upward force opposite to the force of gravity called the (buoyancy force), given that some equipment has been added to the submarine that allows it to possess the power of buoyancy; They are equipped with balance tanks and back-up tanks, which in turn are filled with water or air on a rotating basis; When the submarine is on the surface, the tanks are full of air, at which point the density of the submarine is less than the density of water.
If the submarine wants to go down, it opens its tanks; To fill with water instead of air, which makes it more dense than water, it goes down, but it keeps the air in the spare tanks, and when the submarine reaches the required depth, it balances the air, the water in its tanks, so that it reaches a level where its density is equal to that of water, and in terms of controlling the angle in which the submarine dives, the rear of the submarine. It should be noted that some submarines are equipped with a secondary propulsion engine, enabling the submarine commander to rotate 360 degrees.
Submarine characteristics
Submarines have a range of characteristics that qualify them to operate in their surrounding circumstances, the most important of which are:
Set temperature: The submarine can maintain temperatures suitable for the crew of the submarine, by means of the metal of the submarine that heats the water surrounding the body of the submarine, which is usually 4 ° C, where the submarine uses electrical energy derived from the diesel engine, batteries, or nuclear reactor for this purpose.
Water supply: Submarines are provided with a distillation system for saline ocean water through the fumigation and condensation system; For saline disposal, fresh water from the purification process is used to cool electronic equipment, provide potable water and various uses for the submarine crew.
Maintenance of oxygen: The submarine has a computerized system that helps release oxygen into the submarine regularly on a daily basis, with oxygen coming from compressed tanks attached to the submarine, or from oxygen generators, and carbon dioxide being disposed of by soda lime in devices called gas washers.
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