Many believe, we have experienced, in the past few years, a set of circumstances, and events, unlike, anything, we've witnessed, in recent times! Unrest, around the world, as well as within this nation, are at, potentially, dangerous levels! In the United States, the degree of partisan politics, and polarization, is, the highest, in, at least, many decades, etc! This became, perhaps, even - more, obvious, because, of the worldwide, horrific pandemic, of the past, year - and - a - half! While some, political leaders, and their supporters, resorted to a combination, of denials (calling it, a hoax, and/ or, blaming and complaining), wouldn't we have been better - off, paying more attention, to the experts, scientists, and public health professionals, despite, the, over - 600, 000 deaths, from the virus (within the U.S.), and tens of millions of cases, too many, still, refuse to cooperate, for the greater good! Although, when he was President, Donald Trump, created a program, to help, expedite, creating a vaccine, far - too many, of his supporters, refuse to, get vaccinated (as they, also, refused, previously, to wear a mask, and/ or, use social distancing/ spacing)! With, that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 6 reasons, we're still not rid of this virus, despite the availability, of excellent vaccines.
1. Conspiracy theories: How many more time, will we hear some, absurd, conspiracy theory, used by those, who won't consider, being vaccinated? They believe theories, such as, implanting chips, impacting reproductive health, etc, and, refuse to consider, the advice and suggestions of the professionals, and experts! After, all, this time, some still call it a hoax!
2. Refusal to vaccinate: Public health experts tell us, the best way, to beat this virus, is, to achieve, what is referred to, as Herd Immunity, which is achieved, when a high level of people, are fully vaccinated. Since, in recent days, and with new variants, especially, the Delta, over 95% of those hospitalized, and dying, have not taken the shot, this refusal, harms all of us, and the overall recovery, etc!
3. Wearing a mask, and social spacing: Since, this virus, is an, airborne one, wearing a mask, provides significant protection, as well, as attempting to maintain one's distance! Yet, too many, say, doing so, opposes this, supposed - violation of their freedoms!
4. Selfish and ignorant: Those, refusing to cooperate, are, not, merely, harming/ risking their personal health, but that, of the rest of society! This selfish, ignorant behavior, harms the overall recovery, and return to a semblance, of normal!
5. Variants: If, a greater percentage of individuals, were vaccinated, the danger, from variants, would be, significantly, minimized! The virus' ability to morph, into variants, would be reduced, because, it would have no place, to go!
6. "It won't affect me!": Falsely, believing, they are safe, because, the virus won't affect them, or there is little risk, are, today's, most - common, infected!
See Also : Fear of Dreams