How to apologize to a friend

How to apologize to a friend

How to apologize to a friend

How to apologize for a friend's mistake

There are many ways one can go to reconcile with his friend, to gain his love, and to establish a relationship with him anew :


A friend should take the initiative and apologize to his friend by taking responsibility for his mistakes and admitting them. He should not justify his behavior or make excuses or blame the other side in return, in order to get rid of remorse or make his image better in front of other friends and not change their view of him. It is necessary to use words and phrases that carry explicit meanings that he truly understands and knows that he is the wrong party, and not to manipulate words just to improve his image, or to get rid of the problem without solving it and to bear its consequences properly.

Ask for forgiveness honestly

The most important part of apologizing is one's sincerity in his feelings, and his inner feelings of regret over his negative actions that created disagreement or hurt and annoyed his friend. In addition, he wishes to correct his mistake and ask for forgiveness, and to strive to reconcile his friend using various methods and means, and to return the healthy and close relationship between them to their previous situation. There are some conditions that make the apology sincere and meaningful to his friend, and does not affect the future of the friendship after:

  • The wrongful friend's acknowledgment that he or she is the main cause of the error or misunderstanding between them, and his or her explicit acknowledgment of it without equivocation or justification to his or her spouse.
  • To state clearly and explicitly why one is acting, since some mistakes may not be intentional, and thus to explain one's motives and reasons to the other.
  • admitting that one feels remorse and sadness because he has offended his friend, or because he has acted improperly with him, or because he has been overly angry with him, or because of any other negative or injured reaction that has caused him harm. 
  • The giving of a friend good compensation, as a rehabilitation, or the impartiality and credibility of others, or the repair of his property, for example, if any was accidentally damaged in a fight.

Strengthening Communication and Showing Concern for a Friend

A friend should show his concern for his friend, as part of expressing regret and sorrow, as a sincere inner feeling and as an indication of his strong emotion, which makes him want to stay close to his friend and show the fruits of their close friendship and his inability to do without it. This can be done through the following means:

  • The expression of a person's sincere feelings for his friend, conveying his sincere regret and love for him, which cause him to sincerely apologize to him.
  • pride in the friendship and diligence in maintaining it, and an indication of how proud one is of one's mate, and an interest in restoring a relationship with him.
  • Call a friend, or ask to meet him and not disconnect between them. Rather, intensify him to show his importance and his great place in the heart of his friend.

Apology steps are correct and purposeful

Some steps that support and help a person to apologize to others and correct one's mistakes are:

  • Learn Why to Apologize: Before an apology comes forward, one needs to know the reason for your apology, and the value and benefit of that apology; to be able to present it honestly and honestly, in a correct manner, and to achieve its goals, since the reasons for the apology are:

  1. Knowing that one has misbehaved, feeling sorry and regretting for one's actions.
  2. an interest in the feelings of others, a desire to reopen friendly lines of communication with them, and a continuing relationship and attachment to them.
  3. the desire to learn from one's mistakes, and to find ways to deal with the situations you will encounter later.

  • Choosing the right time to apologize: Choosing the right time to apologize makes an apology effective and achieves its purpose, which is reconciliation, so as to suit the friend and his personality, and the situation that occurred between them, knowing that some mistakes may be big and need some time to be fixed, and one's diligence in doing so.
  • Accepting responsibility and sincerely apologizing: Both have been mentioned previously, and the way the friend is handled properly.
  • Setting Limits and Covenants in Friendship: Friendship, like all other relationships, is governed by special limits and charters that friends must respect and abide by. There are also some new covenants that aim to repair friendship and not be affected by previous mistakes that might be causing a breach or an infringement of the boundaries of friendship, such as the strengthening of trust between the parties, which must be rebuilt in a proper way.
  • Tolerance and Relationship Rebalance: This is done by making sure that friends are not having any negative feelings, whether the wrong person or the other side, and by looking forward to a better, healthier and more balanced future relationship.

An apology is an elegant culture that increases one's self-respect, elevates one's status and status in front of others, and shows good morals and upbringing. It is an internal feeling of regret, reprimanding one's conscience for the mistake that one has made against another, which leads him to admit it, seek forgiveness from him and exert himself to regain his love, reconcile him in a number of ways that suit one's personality and the magnitude of the mistake committed against him. An apology requires confidence, courage, honesty in expressing regret, responsibility for one's actions, failure to provide insincere justifications or blame others to alleviate their guilt, and to achieve rest and internal stability.

See Also : How to Treat Others
